

 [hi″po-ah-ku´sis] slightly diminished hearing.


, hypacusia (hī'pă-kū'sis, hip'ă-; hī'pă-koo'zē-ă, hip'ă-), Hearing impairment. Synonym(s): hypoacusis [hypo- + G. akousis, hearing]


(hī'pă-kyū'sis) Hearing impairment of a conductive or neurosensory nature.
Synonym(s): hypoacusis.
[hypo- + G. akousis, hearing]

Patient discussion about hypoacusis

Q. what is this immediate hearing loss???? I woke up yesterday and didnt hear anything, only very high tones in my left ear. I also feel nausious and dizzy. please tell me someone has experienced it and it goes away in a few days!!! I'm very scared to loose my hearing forever, it's been 24 hours that I'm almost deaf. thank youA. Acute hearing loss can be caused due to an infection of the middle ear or internal ear that can cause dizziness nausea fever and vomiting as well. You should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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