

 [hi″po-al-dos´ter-ōn-izm] deficiency of aldosterone in the body.


(hī'pō-al-dos'tĕr-on-izm), A condition due to deficient secretion of aldosterone; can occur in two forms: as part of generalized adrenocortical insufficiency; or as a selective deficiency caused by a primary defect of the adrenal gland or a defect in aldosterone biosynthesis.


A condition characterized by ↓ aldosterone secretion, often with ↓ renin release by kidney Clinical Most Pts are 50-70, have unexplained, chronic, asymptomatic hyperkalemia and moderate renal failure–creatinine ≥ 15 mL/min, muscle weakness, arrhythmias Associated conditions DM–50%, SLE, myeloma, renal amyloidosis, sickle cell anemia, cirrhosis, AIDS Management ↓ K+ consumption


(hī'pō-al-dos'tĕr-on-izm) Condition due to deficient secretion of aldosterone.