释义 |
hy·po·blast H0364200 (hī′pə-blăst′)n. See endoderm. hy′po·blas′tic adj.EncyclopediaSeehypoblasthypoblastic
hy·po·blas·tic (hī'pō-blas'tik), Relating to or derived from the hypoblast.hy·po·blas·tic (hī'pō-blas'tik) Relating to or derived from the hypoblast. hypoblast (hī′pŏ-blast″) [ hypo- + -blast] The inner cell layer between the cell mass and cavity of the blastocyst. This layer becomes the endoderm, which develops into the respiratory and digestive tracts. hypoblastic (hī″pŏ-blas′tik), adjective |