gray induration


 [in″du-ra´shun] 1. the quality of being hard.2. the process of becoming hard; called also hardening and sclerosis.3. an abnormally hard spot or place. adj., adj indura´ induration the hardening and pigmentation of the lung tissue seen in coal workers' pneumoconiosis.brown induration 1. a deposit of altered blood pigment in the lung in pneumonia.2. increase of the pulmonary connective tissue and excessive pigmentation, due to chronic congestion from valvular heart disease, or to anthracosis. See also gray induration.cyanotic induration hardening of an organ from chronic venous congestion.granular induration cirrhosis.gray induration induration of lung tissue in or after pneumonia, without the pigmentation seen in brown induration red, congested lung tissue seen in fibrosis" >idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

gray in·du·ra·tion

a condition occurring in lungs during and after pneumonic processes in which there is failure of resolution; there is a conspicuous increase in fibrous connective tissue in the walls of the alveoli, and also within the alveoli (for example, fibrous organization of exudate); in contrast to brown induration, there is usually not a prominent degree of pigmentation, unless chronic passive congestion is also present.

gray in·dur·a·tion

(grā in'dūr-ā'shŭn) A condition occurring in lungs during and after pneumonic processes in which there is failure of resolution; there is an increase in fibrous tissue but usually not a prominent degree of pigmentation, unless chronic passive congestion is also present.