Hashimoto disease

Ha·shi·mo·to thy·roi·di·tis

(hah-shē-mō'tō), diffuse infiltration of the thyroid gland with lymphocytes, resulting in diffuse goiter, progressive destruction of the parenchyma and hypothyroidism. Synonym(s): autoimmune thyroiditis, chronic lymphadenoid thyroiditis, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, Hashimoto disease, Hashimoto struma, lymphocytic thyroiditis, struma lymphomatosa

Ha·shi·mo·to dis·ease

(hah-sh-ē-mō'tō di-zēz') Chronic autoimmune disease of thyroid resulting from antibodies to thyroglobulin and microsomes; most common cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. Also called Hashimoto struma and Hashimoto thyroiditis. [Hakaru Hashimoti, 1881-1934, Japanese pathologist]


Hakaru, Japanese surgeon, 1881-1934. Hashimoto disease - Synonym(s): Hashimoto thyroiditisHashimoto struma - Synonym(s): Hashimoto thyroiditisHashimoto thyroiditis - diffuse infiltration of the thyroid gland with lymphocytes. Synonym(s): autoimmune thyroiditis; Hashimoto disease; Hashimoto struma; lymphadenoid goiter; struma lymphomatosa