Huang Pin-Hung

Huang Pin-Hung


(also Chih and P’u-ts’ung; pseudonym, Yühsing). Born 1864 in Anhwei Province; died Mar. 25, 1955, in Hangchou. Chinese painter.

Huang moved to Shanghai in 1909, and from 1930 to 1935 he traveled about China; he took up residence in Hangchou in 1947. Turning to the kuohua (national painting) style, he sought to develop and enrich the methods of classical Chinese landscape painting. His paintings include T’ient’ai Shan (1928) and Spring Snow Mixed With Rain (1940), both of which are in the Huang Pin-hung Memorial Museum in Hangchou. Huang was also known as a calligrapher, poet, and art critic.


Mei-shu ts’ung-shu (Collected Materials on Representational Art), vols. 1–20. Shanghai, 1911.