


helminth diseases of birds, caused by nematodes of the family Heterakidae. The diseases occur everywhere. Heterakids are small nematodes of a light yellow color, 5-13 mm long. The larvae develop in the external environment, without an intermediate host. Heterakidosis is spread by infected birds that scatter the eggs of the parasite. During heterakidosis the pathological process develops first in the ceca, then in other organs as well. The helminths cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, necrosis of its glands, and peeling of the epithelium. Phenothiazine is used as a treatment. Preventive measures include raising chicks in isolation in open field pastures, periodically changing pastures, and keeping the roosts, food troughs, and other items of care clean.


Petrochenko, V. M., and G. A. Kotel’nikov. Gel’mintozy ptits. Moscow, 1963.