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het·er·on·o·mous H0177200 (hĕt′ə-rŏn′ə-məs)adj.1. Subject to external or foreign laws or domination; not autonomous.2. Biology Differing in development or structure. [hetero- + Greek nomos, law; see -nomy + -ous.] het′er·on′o·mous·ly adv.heteronomous (ˌhɛtəˈrɒnɪməs) adj1. (Law) subject to an external law, rule, or authority. Compare autonomous2. (Biology) (of the parts of an organism) differing in the manner of growth, development, or specialization3. (Philosophy) (in Kant's philosophy) directed to an end other than duty for its own sake. Compare autonomous4b ˌheterˈonomously adv ˌheterˈonomy nheteronomous
heteronomous [het″er-on´ŏ-mus] subject to different laws; in biology, subject to different laws of growth or specialized along different lines.het·er·on·o·mous (het'ĕr-on'ō-mŭs), Do not confuse this word with heteronymous.1. Different from the type; abnormal. 2. Subject to the direction or control of another; not self-governing. Compare: autonomous. [hetero- + G. nomos, law] heteronomous (hĕt′ə-rŏn′ə-məs)adj.1. Subject to external or foreign laws or domination; not autonomous.2. Biology Differing in development or structure. het′er·on′o·mous·ly adv.het·er·on·o·mous (het'ĕr-on'ŏ-mŭs) 1. Different from the particular type; abnormal. 2. Subject to the direction or control of another; not self-governing. [hetero- + G. nomos, law]het·er·on·o·mous (het'ĕr-on'ŏ-mŭs) 1. Different from the type; abnormal. 2. Subject to direction or control of another. [hetero- + G. nomos, law]heteronomous
heteronomous subject to an external law, rule, or authority. |