The fourth microarchitecture in Intel's Core family of CPU chips, introduced in 2013 and superseding Ivy Bridge. Using the same 22 nm element size of its predecessor, Haswell has improved graphics but more significantly is able to provide comparable CPU performance at lower clock speeds, thereby enabling laptops to run cooler. Haswell was superseded by Broadwell. See Intel Core, microarchitecture, Intel microarchitectures and Broadwell.Haswell
an island in Antarctica, the largest of the coastal islands in the Davis Sea; located 2.5 km from Pravda Coast, near the Mirnyi observation station. Haswell Island has an area of approximately 1 sq km and a maximum elevation of 93 m. It was discovered in 1912 by the Australian antarctic expedition of D. Mawson and was named after the biologist Professor W. A. Haswell, who helped the expedition. The island was thoroughly explored by a Soviet antarctic expedition in 1956. There is a large colony of emperor penguins near the island, and the island itself is a nesting place for Adélie penguins and other birds. For this reason, Haswell Island has been designated a bird sanctuary.