basal layer

strat·um ba·sa·'le

1. the outermost layer of the endometrium that undergoes only minimal changes during the menstrual cycle; Synonym(s): basal layer2. Synonym(s): stratum basale epidermidis

basal layer

(1) Bruch’s membrane, basal complex (of choroid); complexus basalis (choroideae) [NA6]; basal lamina of choroid; lamina basalis choroideae [NA6].
(2) Basement membrane; membrana basalis [NH3]. 
(3) Endometrial basal layer; stratum basale endometriale [NH3].

stra·tum ba·sa·le

(strā'tŭm bā-sā'lē) 1. The outermost layer of the endometrium, which undergoes only minimal changes during the menstrual cycle.
Synonym(s): basal layer.
2. Synonym(s): stratum basale epidermidis.

stra·tum ba·sa·le

(strā'tŭm bā-sā'lē) 1. The outermost layer of the endometrium that undergoes only minimal changes during the menstrual cycle;
Synonym(s): basal layer.
2. Synonym(s): stratum basale epidermidis.