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hip·po·cam·pus H0212600 (hĭp′ə-kăm′pəs)n. pl. hip·po·cam·pi (-pī′) 1. A ridge in the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain that consists mainly of gray matter and has a central role in memory processes.2. Variant of hippocamp. [New Latin, from Late Latin, hippocamp (from the shape of the structure in cross section ); see hippocamp.] hip′po·cam′pal (-pəl) adj.EncyclopediaSeehippocampushippocampalenUK
hip·po·cam·pal (hip'ō-kam'păl), Relating to the hippocampus.hip·po·cam·pal (hip'ō-kam'păl) Relating to the hippocampus. hippocampal (hĭp″ō-kăm′păl) [Gr. hippokampos, seahorse] Pert. to the hippocampus.hippocampal formationOlfactory structures lying along the medial margin of the pallium. They include the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, supracallosal gyrus, longitudinal striae, subcallosal gyrus, diagonal band of Broca, and hippocampal commissure. |