Hubert Grimme

Grimme, Hubert


Born 1864. in Paderborn; died 1942. German Islamic and Semitic scholar.

In 1885, Grimme graduated from the University of Berlin. From 1919 he was a professor, first at the universities of Freiburg and then Münster. His best-known work is Muhammad, in which he gave particular attention to the social and economic preconditions for the origin of Islam, erroneously regarding Muhammad as a “socialist reformer.” Grimme’s works contain extensive factual material on the milieu in which Islam was formed, as well as a systematic exposition of the theology of the Koran.


Mohammed, parts 1–2. Münster, 1892–95. (Excerpts in Russian in Proiskhozhdenie islama: Khreslomatiia, part 1. Moscow-Leningrad. 1931.)
Mohammed: Die weltgeschichtliche Bedeutung Arabiens. Munich, 1904.
Psalmenprobleme. Freiburg. 1902.


Fück, J. Die arabischen Studien in Europa. Leipzig, 1955.
Batunskii, M. A. “Kritika ideinykh osnov burzhuaznogo islamove-deniia kontsa 19-nachala 20 v.” In the collection Voprosy istorii religii i ateizma. vol. 10. Moscow. 1962.