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heteroplasia (ˌhɛtərəʊˈpleɪzɪə; ˌhɛtərəʊˈpleɪʒə) n (Pathology) pathol the formation of abnormal tissue on a given areaTranslationsheteroplasia
heteroplasia[‚hed·ə·rō′plā·zhə] (medicine) The presence of a tissue in an abnormal location. A process whereby tissues are displaced to or developed in locations foreign to their normal habitats. heteroplasia
heteroplasia [het″er-o-pla´zhah] replacement of normal by abnormal tissues; malposition of normal cells. adj., adj heteroplas´�tic.progressive osseous heteroplasia osteoma cutis.het·er·o·pla·si·a (het'ĕr-ō-plā'zē-ă), 1. Development of cytologic and histologic elements that are not normal for the organ or part in question, as the growth of bone in a site where there is normally fibrous connective tissue. 2. Malposition of tissue or a part that is otherwise normal, as a ureter that develops at the lower pole of a kidney. Synonym(s): alloplasia [hetero- + G. plasis, a forming] het·er·o·pla·si·a (het'ĕr-ō-plā'zē-ă) 1. Development of cytologic and histologic elements that are not normal for the organ or part in question (e.g., the growth of bone in a site where there is normally fibrous connective tissue). 2. Malposition of tissue or a part that is otherwise normal (e.g., a ureter that develops at the lower pole of a kidney). [hetero- + G. plasis, a forming] |