heterotopic graft

het·er·o·top·ic graft

transplantation of a tissue or organ into a position that it normally does not occupy.


(graft) [L. graphium, hunting knife] 1. Tissue transplanted or implanted in a part of the body to repair a defect. A homograft (or allograft) is a graft of material from another individual of the same species. A heterograft (or xenograft) is a graft of material from an individual of another species. 2. The process of placing tissue from one site to another to repair a defect.

allogeneic graft


autologous graft

A graft taken from another part of the patient's body.

avascular graft

A graft in which vascular infiltration does not occur.

axillofemoral bypass graft

The surgical establishment of a connector between the axillary artery and the common femoral arteries. A synthetic artery graft is used and implanted subcutaneously. This technique is used in treating patients with insufficient blood flow to the legs (peripheral vascular disease).

bone graft

A piece of bone taken from one location (such as the ilium or fibula) and inserted to replace or restore another osseous structure. Bone storage banks have been established.

brain graft

An experimental technique in which brain cells are transplanted into the brain.

buttress graft

A graft used to support another structure or tissue.

bypass graft

A surgical conduit inserted into the vascular system that routes blood around an obstructed vessel. See: coronary artery bypass

cable graft

A nerve graft made up of bundles of segments from an unimportant nerve. Synonym: rope graft

cadaver graft

Grafting tissue, including skin, cornea, or bone, obtained from a body immediately after death.

delayed graft

A skin graft that is partially elevated and then replaced so that it may be moved later to another site.

dermal graft

A split-thickness or full-thickness skin graft. The graft will grow hair and have active sweat and sebum glands.

endovascular graft

A graft implanted within an existing blood vessel.

fascia graft

A graft using fascia, usually removed from the fascia lata, for repairing defects in other tissues.

fascicular graft

A nerve graft in which each bundle of nerves is separately sutured.

free graft

A graft that is completely separated from its original site and then transferred.

full-thickness graft

A graft of the entire layer of skin without the subcutaneous fat.

gingival graft

A sliding graft employing the gingival papilla as the graft material.

heterodermic graft

A skin graft taken from a donor of another species.

heteroplastic graft

A graft taken from another person or species.

heterotopic graft

See: heterotopic transplantation

homologous graft

A graft taken from a donor of the same species as the recipient.

isologous graft

A graft in which the donor and recipient are genetically identical, i.e., identical twins. Synonym: isograft

lamellar graft

A very thin corneal graft used to replace the surface layer of opaque corneal tissue.

mesh graft

A split-thickness graft that contains multiple perforations or slits, which allow the graft to be expanded so that a much larger area is covered. The holes in the graft are covered by new tissue as the graft spreads. A mesh graft heals with a less smooth cosmetic result than a sheet graft but is able to cover a larger defect.

nerve graft

The transplantation of a healthy nerve to replace a segment of a damaged nerve.

Ollier graft

See: Ollier, Louis Xavier Edouard

omental graft

The use of a portion of the omentum to cover or repair a defect in a hollow viscus or to cover a suture line in an abdominal organ.

ovarian graft

The implantation of a section of an ovary into the muscles of the abdominal wall.

pedicle graft

Pedicle flap.

periosteum graft

The application of a piece of bone and its periosteum to another site.

pinch graft

A graft consisting of small bits of skin.

postmortem graft

Tissue taken from a body after death and stored under proper conditions to be used later on a patient requiring a graft of such tissue.

punch graft

A full-thickness graft, usually circular, for transplanting skin containing hair follicles to a bald area.

rope graft

Cable graft.

sheet graft

A skin graft, typically removed from a donor site on the thigh, that is placed directly over a burn wound to promote healing.

sieve graft

A graft similar to a mesh graft in which a section of skin is removed except for small, regularly spaced areas that remain. The removed portion is used at the new site. The small remaining areas will grow to cover the entire area at the donor site.

skin graft

The use of small sections of skin harvested from a donor site and transplanted to an injured area of skin to repair a defect, such as a large full-thickness burn. Commonly used grafts include split-thickness, full-thickness, and xenografts. Biosynthetic grafts (collagen and synthetics) also are used to minimize fluid and protein loss from burn injuries, prevent infection, and reduce pain. The skin surface at the receiving site should be clean and raw.

Patient care

Before surgery, assessments are made of the patient's general health. Confirmation is needed that appropriate laboratory parameters, including hemoglobin and coagulation studies, are acceptable as they may affect the surgical result. The donor and recipient sites are prepared according to protocol. The postsurgical appearance of the wound and dressing and, if applicable, the need to immobilize the part after surgery are explained. Both patient and family receive support and encouragement. The graft is observed at regular intervals postoperatively for swelling or for development of hematoma and signs of purulent drainage. Aseptic technique is followed in applying dressings and compresses to prevent infection. Prophylactic antibiotics are administered as prescribed, and the graft site is immobilized to allow healing. Analgesics are administered as necessary to relieve pain. Before discharge, the patient learns about wound care and the need to keep the graft site clean, well lubricated, and away from sunlight according to the health care provider's instructions. Elastic support garments, reconstructive surgery, physical and occupational therapy, and psychological counseling may be required.

split-skin graft

Split-thickness graft.

split-thickness graft

A graft of a part of the epidermis and part of the dermis. Synonym: split-skin graft

sponge graft

A small piece of sponge placed over an ulcerating part to stimulate epidermal growth.

thick-split graft

A graft of about half or more of the skin's thickness.

Thiersch graft

See: Thiersch graft

Wolfe graft

See: Wolfe graft