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in·du·ra·tive (in'dū-rā'tiv), Pertaining to, causing, or characterized by induration.in·du·ra·tive (in-dūr'ă-tiv) Pertaining to, causing, or characterized by induration. induration (in'du-ra?shun) 1. The act of hardening. 2. An area of hardened tissue. See: sclerosis; skinindurative (-dur-a?tiv), adjectiveblack indurationAnthracosis of the lung.brawny indurationPathological hardening and thickening of tissues, usually due to inflammation.brown indurationPigmentation and fibrosis of the lung as a result of chronic venous congestion of the lung.cyanotic indurationInduration from long continued venous hyperemia, pressure on vessels causing transudation of blood and serum, and formation of a dark, hard mass. In the liver or spleen it leads to absorption of the parenchyma with formation of scar tissue. granular indurationFibrosis of an organ such as the liver or kidney in which small fibrotic granules are present.gray indurationUnresolved pneumonia with fibrosis of the lung, and no pigmentation.red indurationChronic interstitial pneumonia with severe congestion. |