hot nodule

hot nod·ule

a thyroid nodule with a much higher uptake of radioactive iodine than the surrounding parenchyma; usually benign but sometimes causing hyperthyroidism.
A focal increase in radioisotope uptake on a 123I scintillation scan in a solid organ—e.g., liver or thyroid—seen by immunoscintigraphy. Thyroid hot nodules often correspond to toxic nodular or multinodular goiter, as functional thyroid lesions suppress TSH synthesis; they are rarely malignant

hot nodule

Nuclear medicine A focal ↑ in radioisotope uptake on a 123I scintillation scan in a solid organ–eg, liver or thyroid, seen by immunoscintigraphy; thyroid HNs often correspond to toxic nodular or multinodular goiter, as functional thyroid lesions suppress TSH synthesis; HNs are rarely malignant. See Scintigraphy. Cf Cold nodule, Warm nodule.

hot nod·ule

(hot nod'yūl) A thyroid nodule with a much higher uptake of radioactive iodine than the surrounding parenchyma; usually benign but sometimes causing hyperthyroidism.

hot nod·ule

(hot nod'yūl) Thyroid nodule with a much higher uptake of radioactive iodine than the surrounding parenchyma.