释义 |
gyrencephalic gyrencephalic [ji″ren-sĕ-fal´ik] 1. pertaining to the Gyrencephala.2. having cerebral hemispheres marked by convolutions.gy·ren·ce·phal·ic (jī'ren-sĕ-fal'ik), Denoting brains, such as that of humans, in which the cerebral cortex has convolutions, in contrast to the lissencephalic (smooth) brains of small mammals (for example, rodents). [G. gyros, ring (gyrus), + enkaphalē, brain] gyrencephalic (jī-rĕn-sĕ-făl′ĭk) [″ + enkephale, head] Having a brain marked by numerous convolutions. |