

单词 ic



abbr.1. integrated circuit2. intensive care


abbreviation for 1. (Automotive Engineering) internal-combustion 2. (Electronics) electronics integrated circuit 3. (Telecommunications) text messaging I see 4. (Grammar) (in transformational grammar) immediate constituent 5. (Astrology) astrology Imum Coeli: the point on the ecliptic lying directly opposite the Midheaven


1. a suffix forming adjectives from other parts of speech, occurring orig. in Greek and Latin loanwords (metallic; poetic; archaic; public) and, on this model, used as an adjective-forming suffix with the particular senses “having some characteristics of” (opposed to the simple attributive use of the base noun) (balletic; sophomoric); “in the style of” (Byronic; Miltonic); “pertaining to a family of peoples or languages” (Finnic; Semitic; Turkic). 2. a suffix, specialized in opposition to -ous, used to show the higher of two valences: ferric chloride. 3. a noun suffix occurring in loanwords from Greek, where such words were orig. adjectival (critic; magic; music). [Middle English -ic, -ik < Latin -icus or Greek -ikos]


1. immediate constituent. 2. integrated circuit. 3. intensive care.


Jesus Christ. [< Late Latin I(ēsus)C(hrīstus)]


I see
Noun1.IC - a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States government; headed by the Director of Central IntelligenceIntelligence Community, National Intelligence Community, United States Intelligence CommunityCentral Intelligence Agency, CIA - an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest; headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security CouncilDepartment of Energy Intelligence, DOEI - an agency that collects political and economic and technical information about energy matters and makes the Department of Energy's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence CommunityFBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation - a federal law enforcement agency that is the principal investigative arm of the Department of JusticeBureau of Intelligence and Research, INR - an agency that is the primary source in the State Department for interpretive analyses of global developments and focal point for policy issues and activities of the Intelligence CommunityOffice of Intelligence Support, OIS - agency that oversees the intelligence relationships of the Treasury's offices and bureaus and provides a link between the Intelligence Community and officials responsible for international economic policyOffice of Naval Intelligence, ONI - the military intelligence agency that provides for the intelligence and counterintelligence and investigative and security requirements of the United States NavyMarine Corps Intelligence Activity, MCIA - an agency of the United States Marine Corps that provides responsive and broad intelligence support for the worldwide Marine Corps organizationAFISR, Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR - an agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platformsintelligence agency, intelligence service, intelligence - a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemyAdvanced Research and Development Activity, ARDA - an agency of the Intelligence Community that conducts advanced research and development related to information technologyDefense Intelligence Agency, DIA - an intelligence agency of the United States in the Department of Defense; is responsible for providing intelligence in support of military planning and operations and weapons acquisitionNational Reconnaissance Office, NRO - an intelligence agency in the United States Department of Defense that designs and builds and operates space reconnaissance systems to detect trouble spots worldwide and to monitor arms control agreements and environmental issues and to help plan military operationsNational Security Agency, NSA - the United States cryptologic organization that coordinates and directs highly specialized activities to protect United States information systems and to produce foreign intelligence informationAI, Army Intelligence - an agency of the United States Army responsible for providing timely and relevant and accurate and synchronized intelligence to tactical and operational and strategic level commandersNational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, NGA - a combat support agency that provides geographic intelligence in support of national securityU.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA, America, the States, U.S. - North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776Adj.1.IC - being nine more than ninetyic - being nine more than ninety 99, ninety-ninecardinal - being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"



Abbrev. for Index Catalog. See NGC.


(electronics) integrated circuit


(hardware)integrated circuit.


(2)Independent Carrier.


(3)Imperial College.



 [kah-pas´ĭ-te] the power to hold, retain, or contain, or the ability to absorb; usually expressed numerically as the measure of such ability.closing capacity (CC) the volume of gas in the lungs at the time of airway closure, the sum of the closing volume and the residual volume. See also closing volume.decreased intracranial adaptive capacity a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the state in which intracranial fluid dynamic mechanisms that normally compensate for increases in intracranial volumes are compromised, resulting in repeated disproportionate increases in intracranial pressure in response to a variety of noxious and nonnoxious stimuli.diffusing capacity see diffusing capacity.forced vital capacity the maximal volume of gas that can be exhaled from full inhalation by exhaling as forcefully and rapidly as possible. See also pulmonary function tests.functional residual capacity the amount of gas remaining at the end of normal quiet respiration.heat capacity the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a specific quantity of a substance by one degree Celsius.inspiratory capacity the volume of gas that can be taken into the lungs in a full inhalation, starting from the resting inspiratory position; equal to the tidal volume plus the inspiratory reserve volume.maximal breathing capacity maximum voluntary ventilation.thermal capacity heat capacity.total lung capacity the amount of gas contained in the lung at the end of a maximal inhalation. Subdivisions of total lung capacity: TLC, total lung capacity; V, tidal volume; IC, inspiratory capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity; ERV, expiratory reserve volume; VC, vital capacity; RV, residual volume. From Dorland's, 2000.virus neutralizing capacity the ability of a serum to inhibit the infectivity of a virus.vital capacity (VC) see vital capacity.


abbr.1. integrated circuit2. intensive care


Abbreviation for:
ichthyosis congenita
idiopathic constipation
immune competent
immune complex
impedance cardiography
imprint cytology
imprinting centre
incompetent cervix
indeterminate colitis
indirect calorimetry
individual counselling
infantile colic
infection control
infectious colitis
inferior cardiac
inferior collicular
inferior colliculus
infiltrating carcinoma
inflammatory cells
inflammatory cytokines
Information Commissioner 
informed consent
infusion chemotherapy
inhaled corticosteroids
inorganic carbon
inner canthal
inner canthus
inner cortex
inspiratory capacity
institutional care
instrument calibration
insular carcinoma
insular cortex
intensive care
intensive chemotherapy
inter cibum (between meals)
intermediate care
intermittent catheterisation
intermittent claudication
internal capsule
internal cardioversion
internal carotid
internal conversion
interstitial cell
interstitial cystitis
interventional cardiology
intraoperative cholangiography
intraoperative cytology
intravascular coagulation
invasive cancer
invasive candidiasis
invasive carcinoma
ionisation chamber
ionised calcium
irritable colon
ischaemic cardiopathy
ischaemic colitis
islet cells
isometric contraction
isovolumic contraction

Vaughan Williams classification

Cardiology The system by EM Vaughan Williams, used to categorize effects of antiarrhythmics by class. See Antiarrhythmic drugs. Cf Sicilian Gambit. Vaughan Williams Classification of Antiarrhythmic Drugs Class I Sodium-channel blockers IA Moderately slow conduction, moderately prolonged duration of action potential–active in atria, ventricles; most cardiotoxic group Examples Quinidine, procainamide, diisopyramide IB Minimally slowed conduction, shortened duration of action potential–active in atria; greatest potential for proarrhythmias Examples Lidocaine, mexiletine, tocainamide, phenytoin IC Markedly slowed conduction, minimally duration of action potential–active in atria, ventricles; most effective group Examples Flecainide, encainide, propafenone, moricizine Class II Beta blockers–active in AV nodes, ventricles; virtually no proarrhythmic effect Class III Potassium-channel blockers; prolonged duration of action potential Examples Amiodarone, bretylium, sotalol, ibutilide Class IV Calcium-channel blockers–active in AV nodes; virtually no proarrhythmic effect


Abbreviation for intracardiac.


Abbrev. for Intensive Care.



See: Information Coefficient

Import Certificate

A proposed system to lower the U.S. trade deficit. Under the system, exporters would be issued import certificates allowing them to import up to the total value they export. Exporters may then sell these certificates to importers, who need them to conduct their business. The concept would maximize the value of imports, allowing it to be no greater than the value of exports. While this is not technically a tariff, it has much the same effect. Import certificates were proposed by Warren Buffett in 2003.

Information Coefficient

A measure of the correlation between expected and actual returns. The IC is used internally within a firm to judge the performance of individual financial forecasters. The IC is measured on a scale between 0 to 1, with 1 indicating no difference between expected and actual returns. An analyst with a consistently high IC on his/her predictions will likely receive promotions and bonuses, while one with low information coefficients will likely lose his/her job.

Interest Cost (IC)

A comprehensive and time-adjusted measure of loan cost to the borrower.

IC on a Mortgage: IC is what economists call an “internal rate or return.” It takes account of all payments made by the borrower over the life of the loan relative to the cash received up front. On a mortgage, the cash received up front is the loan amount less all upfront fees paid by the borrower. On an ARM, IC captures the effect of interest rate changes on the monthly payment and the balance, but future rate changes must be assumed.

Formula: IC is (i) in the formula below:

L - F = P1 + P2/(1 + i)2 +… (Pn + Bn)/(1 + i)n

L = Loan amount

F = Points and all other upfront fees paid by the borrower P = Monthly payment

n = Month when the balance is prepaid in full

Bn = Balance in month n

IC Versus APR: IC differs from APR in the following ways: IC is measured over any time horizon, whereas APR assumes that all loans run to term. IC may be measured after taxes whereas APR is always measured before taxes. On an ARM, IC can be calculated on any interest rate scenario whereas APR always uses a no-change scenario.


ICIntegrated Circuit
ICIntelligence Community
ICI See (chat code)
ICIntensive Care
ICInternal Combustion (engine)
ICIndustry Canada (Government Department)
ICInformation Center
ICInsurance Component
ICInsurance Company (IRB)
ICIn Contact (recessed light fixture for direct contact with attic insulation)
ICIowa City
ICIce Cream
ICIn Charge of
ICInclude (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
ICInternal Control
ICIn Character
ICImperial College (UK)
ICIntercontinental (WWE championship)
ICInformed Consent (drug trials)
ICInventory Control (Electric Boat)
ICInformation Circular
ICInternational Community
ICIllinois Central (railroad)
ICIncident Commander
ICIthaca College
ICIndependent Contractor
ICInternational College (Beirut, Lebanon private high school)
ICIntellectual Capital
ICInformation Commons
ICInfection Control
ICIvory Coast
ICInstallation and Configuration (software)
ICIon Chromatography
ICInstrumentation and Controls
ICInterstitial Cystitis
ICIllinois College (Jacksonville, IL)
ICInitial Condition
ICIdentity Card
ICInner Circle
ICIntercity (transportation, travel)
ICIndex Catalogue (astronomy)
ICInput Circuit
ICInstituto Cervantes (Spain)
ICIndiana Code (laws)
ICInformation Collection (various locations)
ICInterface Control
ICIntentional Communities
ICInvestment Committee (various locations)
ICIn-Character (gaming)
ICIncremental Cost
ICIndex Card
ICInternal Communications
ICIncentive Compensation
ICInstitutes and Centers
ICInternet Commerce
ICI'm Confused
ICIndoor Cycling
ICImmune Complex
ICIncoming Call
ICInter City (Deutsche Bahn AG)
ICInstructional Computing
ICIon Chamber (physics)
ICInvestors Chronicle (UK)
ICInternational Communications
ICInterrupt Controller
ICInstitutional Control (various organizations)
ICIntegration Council (various organizations)
ICIron Chef (television program)
ICIndianapolis Colts
ICInitial Contact (aviation radio communication)
ICInter-City (Italian railways)
ICInternal Consumption
ICIntelligence Center
ICInformation Committee (various organizations)
ICInteractive Communication
ICIgnition Coil
ICIron Curtain
ICIntermittent Claudication
ICInfrastructure Committee
ICInterchangeable Core (locksmithing)
ICImplementation Coordinator
ICIce Crystals
ICInspection Chamber
ICInvested Capital
ICInitial Configuration
ICInstitute or Center (National Library of Medicine grants & funding)
ICInflatable Curtain (Volvo)
ICImpulse Control
ICInterference Cancellation
ICIngénierie des Connaissances
ICInter Change
ICIntegrated Controller
ICIron City
ICIndividual Contributor (employee)
ICImage Controller
ICIntelligent Component
ICInteractive C
ICInterrupt Code
ICIndependent Council
ICIsotopic Composition
ICInformation Campaign
ICInterexchange Carrier
ICInstrument Controller
ICIniciativa per Catalunya
ICInspiratory Capacity
ICImpossible Creatures (Microsoft game)
ICInstalled Cost
ICIntercomputer Communication (US NASA)
ICIndustry Commission
ICIgnition Circuit
ICImport Certificate
ICIntelligent Communications
ICInns of Court (UK)
ICIndustry Committee
ICInequitable Conduct (legal)
ICInternal Calibration
ICInternment Camp
ICInterim Change
ICInside Corner (measuring in construction)
ICIntermediate Course
ICInspection Certificate
ICImum Coeli
ICInterior Communications
ICInnovative Creative (Industrial Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University slogan)
ICInterconnect Line
ICInput Controller
ICIndividual Consideration
ICIntegration Consortium (global body responsible for influencing the integration industry)
ICIntracloud (lightning)
ICIntegration Component
ICIndependent Certifier (various locations)
ICImage Computer
ICIstituto di Cristallografia (Italian: Institute of Crystallography)
ICInduction Cooking
ICIloilo City
ICInstructional Council (Maricopa County, AZ community college system)
ICInstallation Commander
ICIroquois Confederacy (five native american tribes)
ICInscribed Circle
ICIngénieurs et Cadres (French: Engineers and Managers)
ICImmediate Consumption (food and beverage industries)
ICImplementación Conjunta (Spanish)
ICIndifferent Curve (microeconomic theory)
ICInterventional Cardiologist
ICIntegration Contract
ICInitial Capability
ICInspection Committee
ICInvestment Category
ICIntegrity Committee
ICSea Ice Concentration
ICIncrement Count
ICIsrael Center
ICInstant Classics (webcomic)
ICIrate Customer
ICIntegration Committee
ICItalian Cooperation (Rome, Italy)
ICTest The Problem
ICImplementation Conventions
ICIncident Controller
ICIntegration Cycle
ICIntergroup Coordination
ICInterior Cell
ICItinerário Complementar
ICInner Council (Shadowbane gaming)
ICIntrusion Countermeasures
ICIntegration Contractor
ICIndividual Combatant
ICInformacní Centrum (Czech: Information Center)
ICInstallation Coordinator (US Army Europe)
ICIntérêts Communaux (Belgium)
ICInstitute of Charity (religious order)
ICInterpreting Certificate
ICimpaired contractility
ICImaginary Companions
ICInsurgent Camp (America's Army gaming)
ICInhibiting Circuit
ICIndian Airlines Corporation (IATA airline code)
ICImmediate Compress
ICImperial Conflict (online strategy game)
ICInvoice Currency
ICIntercept Controller
ICIntegrated Contractor
ICInterest Campaign
ICIndicator and Control
ICInterface Certification
ICInterpolate then Calculate
ICIsolation Condenser
ICImperial Crusader (Lineage 2 game armor set)
ICInitialization Capability
ICInterchangeability Code
ICIntegrating Center
ICInclusion Coordinator
ICIrish Concern
ICImperial Creations (gaming design team for Age of Empires)
ICInvited Country
ICInterceptor Command
ICImpairment Combination
ICIntercept Committee
IC(USN Rating) Interior Communications Electrician
ICImpression Construction
ICIntegrated Carbine
ICIntegration/Intercept Control
ICInternational Crime & Drugs (US Department of State)
ICInvasive Cholangiography


  • all
  • noun
  • adj

Synonyms for IC

noun a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States government


  • Intelligence Community
  • National Intelligence Community
  • United States Intelligence Community

Related Words

  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • CIA
  • Department of Energy Intelligence
  • DOEI
  • FBI
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Bureau of Intelligence and Research
  • INR
  • Office of Intelligence Support
  • OIS
  • Office of Naval Intelligence
  • ONI
  • Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
  • MCIA
  • Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
  • Air Force ISR
  • intelligence agency
  • intelligence service
  • intelligence
  • Advanced Research and Development Activity
  • ARDA
  • Defense Intelligence Agency
  • DIA
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • NRO
  • National Security Agency
  • NSA
  • AI
  • Army Intelligence
  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • NGA
  • U.S.A.
  • United States
  • United States of America
  • US
  • USA
  • America
  • the States
  • U.S.

adj being nine more than ninety


  • 99
  • ninety-nine

Related Words

  • cardinal




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