Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron

Haussmann, Georges Eugène, Baron

(zhôrzh özhĕn` bärôN` ōsmän`), 1809–91, French civic official and city planner. Distinguished for his bold alterations in the layout of Paris under Napoleon IIINapoleon III
(Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), 1808–73, emperor of the French (1852–70), son of Louis Bonaparte (see under Bonaparte, family), king of Holland. Early Life
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, he is largely responsible for the city's present appearance. To create adequate traffic circulation, old streets were widened and new ones cut, while the great railway stations were placed in a circle outside the old city and provided with broad approaches. For the enhancement of monuments, open spaces and vistas were contrived, including the Place de l'Opéra, the Étoile, and the Place de la Nation, which became focusing points for radiating avenues. The Bois de Boulogne was laid out, as well as a number of smaller parks. The Boulevard Haussmann in Paris commemorates him.


See H. Saalman, Haussman: Paris Transformed (1971).