His disease

A louse-borne, rickettsial—R Quintana—infection
Locations Mexico, N. Africa, E Europe, etc
Transmission Direct contact—rubbing infected lousy feces into abraded skin or conjunctivae Clinical

His disease

His-Werner disease A louse-borne, rickettsial–R quintana infection Locations Mexico, N. Africa, E Europe, etc Transmission Direct contact–rubbing infected lousy feces into abraded skin or conjunctivae Clinical Abrupt onset of high fever, generalized myalgia, shin pain, vertigo, malaise; relapse is common. Cf Her's disease.

His, Wilhelm Jr.

(his) German physician, 1863–1934.

bundle of His

The atrioventricular (AV) bundle, a group of modified muscle fibers, the Purkinje fibers, forming a part of the impulse-conducting system of the heart. It arises in the AV node and continues in the interventricular septum as a single bundle, the crus commune, which divides into two trunks that pass respectively to the right and left ventricles, fine branches passing to all parts of the ventricles. It conducts impulses from the atria to the ventricles, which initiates ventricular contraction.

His disease

Trench fever.

Patient discussion about His disease

Q. My sister has this disease and she works at a daycare.Can this disease be airbourne? Children come to the daycare sick. Some of her co-workers were out from work because they got sick from some of the children.A. I don't know which disease you are talking about specifically, but certainly viruses and bacterias from sick children can infect people around them, especially close contacts like workers in a day-care center. The best way to avoid infections are usually washing hands multiple time a day and after holding the kids, this also helps to not infect the other kids around.

Q. Mood- disorder? What will happen to the people who refuse treatment? I know someone whose mother got diagnosed with "mood- disorder" and now this person says that she don't have it. But all her brothers and sisters have this, and are on medication. Is there a way to save our family heritage?A. well done, i will start to collect with the agreement of Iri possible causes for disorders (bipolar, mood, whatever you want to call it) to help people to recognize themselves. they all can start in the moment we are in the embryo. parental conflicts, aggressions, sexual behaviours, drugs, alcohol, smoking in abondance can affect us from this moment on.

Q. Whats schizoaffective disease its a mental diseaseA. Schitzoaffective is a mental disease that causes symptoms of schitzophrenia and symptoms of bi-polar. patients see things, hear voices, are moody,etc.Patients go into a high mania and a low mania.

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