Havana Declarations
Havana Declarations
The Havana Declaration of 1960, or the First Havana Declaration, was adopted by the First National General Assembly of the people of Cuba on Sept. 2, 1960, in Havana. The declaration was the response of the people of Cuba to the Declaration of San José, adopted in August 1960 at the seventh conference of foreign ministers of member nations of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Costa Rica. The aim of the San Jose Declaration was to create a legal basis to justify the aggression of the USA against revolutionary Cuba. The Havana Declaration condemns the criminal intervention of American imperialism in the affairs of all the Latin American peoples, rejects the attempt to preserve the Monroe Doctrine, and calls for strengthening the solidarity of the Latin American peoples and intensifying the workers’ struggle for their rights. The Havana Declaration “proclaims a policy of friendship with all the peoples of the world” and contains a declaration of Cuba’s intention to establish diplomatic relations with all socialist countries.
The Havana Declaration of 1962, or the Second Havana Declaration, was adopted by the Second General National Assembly of the people of Cuba on Feb. 4, 1962, in response to the declaration of the eighth meeting of consultation of foreign ministers of member nations of the OAS, held in January 1962 at Punta del Este, Uruguay, on the exclusion of Cuba from the OAS. The Second Havana Declaration demonstrates that the history of the enslavement of Cuba and all of Latin America by imperialist capital is directly linked to the history of the development of world capitalism and to the rise of imperialism and colonialism. The Second Havana Declaration also demonstrates that the contemporary problems of Latin American peoples are “part of the problems engendered by the general crisis of imperialism and the struggle of enslaved peoples—by the clash between a world that is dying and one that is being born.” The declaration states that the reason for the conspiracy against the Cuban revolution is the fear among imperialist circles in the USA and among oligarchic Latin American governments that the people of Latin America will follow the example of Cuba—the fear of a Latin American revolution.
In F. Castro, Rechi i vystupleniia. Moscow, 1960. Pages 567-74. (Translated from Spanish.)In F. Castro, Rechi i vystupleniia, 1961-1963. Moscow, 1963. Pages 773-812.