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heav·en H0115100 (hĕv′ən)n.1. often heavens The sky or universe as seen from the earth; the firmament.2. Christianity a. often Heaven The abode of God, the angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation.b. An eternal state of communion with God; everlasting bliss.3. Any of the places in or beyond the sky conceived of as domains of divine beings in various religions.4. a. Heaven God: Heaven help you!b. heavens Used in various phrases to express surprise: Good heavens!5. often heavens The celestial powers; the gods: The heavens favored the young prince.6. A condition or place of great happiness, delight, or pleasure: The lake was heaven.Idiom: move heaven and earth To do everything possible to bring about something desired. [Middle English heven, from Old English heofon; see ak- in Indo-European roots.]heaven (ˈhɛvən) n1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) (sometimes capital) Christianity a. the abode of God and the angelsb. a place or state of communion with God after death. Compare hell2. (Astronomy) (usually plural) the sky, firmament, or space surrounding the earth3. (Classical Myth & Legend) (in any of various mythologies) a place, such as Elysium or Valhalla, to which those who have died in the gods' favour are brought to dwell in happiness4. a place or state of joy and happiness5. (or: plural; sometimes capital) God or the gods, used in exclamatory phrases of surprise, exasperation, etc: for heaven's sake; heavens above. 6. in seventh heaven ecstatically happy7. move heaven and earth to do everything possible (to achieve something)[Old English heofon; related to Old Saxon heban]heav•en (ˈhɛv ən) n. 1. the abode of God, the angels, and the spirits of the righteous after death; the place or state of existence of the blessed after the mortal life. 2. (cap.) Often, Heavens. the celestial powers; God. 3. Often, heavens. God (used in expressions of emphasis, surprise, etc.): For heaven's sake! Good heavens! 4. Usu., heavens. the sky, firmament, or expanse of space surrounding the earth. 5. a place or state of supreme happiness. [before 900; Middle English heven, Old English heofon, c. Old Saxon heban, Old Norse himinn; akin to Old Saxon, Old High German himil] HeavenSee also astronomy. uranographythe astronomical study and mapping of the heavens, especially the fixed stars. — uranographer, uranographist, n. — uranographic, uranographi-cal, adj.uranologyuranography.uranometry1. measurement of the positions of astronomical bodies. 2. a chart showing such measurements and positions. — uranometrical, adj.uranophobia, ouranophobiaan abnormal fear of the heavens.Heaven the assembly of the blessed, collectively; an archway or canopy.Examples: heaven of cedar boughs, of brass, 1600; of delight, 1883; of heavens, 1885; of joy, 1596; of heavenware [angels collectively], 1000.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | heaven - any place of complete bliss and delight and peaceEden, paradise, Shangri-la, promised land, nirvanaregion, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space" | | 2. | Heaven - the abode of God and the angelsfictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place - a place that exists only in imagination; a place said to exist in fictional or religious writingsAbraham's bosom, bosom of Abraham - the place where the just enjoy the peace of heaven after deathCelestial City, City of God, Heavenly City, Holy City - phrases used to refer to Heaven; "the Celestial City was Christian's goal in Bunyan's `Pilgrim's Progress'"Elysian Fields, Elysium - (Greek mythology) the abode of the blessed after deathGarden of Eden, Eden - a beautiful garden where Adam and Eve were placed at the Creation; when they disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were driven from their paradise (the fall of man)Paradise - (Christianity) the abode of righteous souls after deathPromised Land - the goal towards which Christians striveValhalla, Walhalla - (Norse mythology) the hall in which the souls of heros slain in battle were received by Odininfernal region, nether region, perdition, Inferno, Hell, pit - (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment; "Hurl'd headlong...To bottomless perdition, there to dwell"- John Milton; "a demon from the depths of the pit"; "Hell is paved with good intentions"-Dr. Johnson |
heavennoun1. paradise, next world, hereafter, nirvana (Buddhism, Hinduism), bliss, Zion (Christianity), Valhalla (Norse myth), Happy Valley, happy hunting ground (Native American legend), life to come, life everlasting, abode of God, Elysium or Elysian fields (Greek myth) I believed that when I died I would go to heaven.2. (Informal) happiness, paradise, ecstasy, bliss, felicity, utopia, contentment, rapture, enchantment, dreamland, seventh heaven, transport, sheer bliss My idea of heaven is drinking champagne with friends on a sunny day.in seventh heaven ecstatic, on a high, over the moon, on top of the world, on cloud nine, tickled pink, walking on air, beside yourself with joy He's been in seventh heaven since he met her.move heaven and earth struggle, work hard, strive, spare no effort, try very hard, go all out, pull out all the stops, bend over backwards (informal), do your best, put yourself out I moved heaven and earth to get you that job!the heavens (Old-fashioned) sky, ether, firmament, celestial sphere, welkin (archaic), empyrean (poetic) a detailed map of the heavensRelated words fear ouranophobiaQuotations "Work and pray" "Live on hay" "You'll get pie in the sky when you die" [Joe Hill The Preacher and the Slave] "The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed" Bible: St. Matthew "The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it" Bible: St. Matthew "The heaven of each is but what each desires" [Thomas Moore Lalla Rookh] "heaven: a place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs, and the good listen with attention while you expound your own" [Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary]heavennoun1. The celestial regions as seen from the earth.Often used in plural:air, firmament, sky.Archaic: welkin.2. A state of elated bliss:ecstasy, paradise, rapture, seventh heaven, transport.Informal: cloud nine.Translationsheaven (ˈhevn) noun1. in some religions, the place where God or the gods live, and where good people go when they die. 天堂 天堂2. the sky. He raised his eyes to heaven / the heavens. 天空 天空3. (something which brings) great happiness. `This is heaven', she said, lying on the beach in the sun. (帶來)極樂(的事物) 极乐ˈheavenly adverb1. very pleasant; beautiful. What a heavenly colour! 極好的,美好的 极好的2. of or from heaven. 上天的 上天的ˈheavenliness noun 美好 神圣,庄严,最幸福 ˈheavens (also good heavens) () interjection an expression of surprise, dismay etc. Heavens! I forgot to buy your birthday present. 天哪! 天哪!heavenly bodies the sun, moon, planets, stars. 天體 天体ˌheaven-ˈsent adjective very lucky or convenient. a heaven-sent opportunity. 天賜的,合時宜的 天赋的,天赐的,最合时宜的 for heaven's sake an expression used to show anger, surprise etc. For heaven's sake, stop making that noise! (表示憤怒、驚訝)看在老天的份上! 看在老天面上!heaven knows1. I don't know. Heaven knows what he's trying to do. 天知道! 天知道!,天晓得! 2. certainly. Heaven knows I've tried to help. 真的! 真的!(确实无疑) thank heavens an expression used to show that a person is glad something has (not) happened. Thank heavens he isn't coming!; Thank heavens for that! 謝天謝地 谢天谢地heaven See:- (good) heavens
- a heaven on earth
- a marriage made in heaven
- a marriage/match made in heaven
- a match made in heaven
- be in seventh heaven
- be knocking on heaven's door
- bundle from heaven
- bundle of joy
- Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven
- for God's sake
- for God's, heaven's, pity's, etc. sake
- for heaven's sake
- for heaven's/Pete's/pity's sake
- For Pete's sake!
- for pity's sake
- for the sake of
- go to heaven in a wheelbarrow
- God forbid
- God forbid!
- God help (one)
- God knows
- God/goodness/Heaven knows
- God/Heaven forbid
- God/Heaven help somebody
- God's in his heaven; all's right with the world
- Good heavens!
- heaven dust
- heaven forbid
- heaven help (one)
- Heaven help us!
- heaven helps those who help themselves
- heaven knows
- heaven on earth
- Heaven protects children and drunken men
- heaven protects children, sailors, and drunken men
- heavenly days
- heavens above
- heavens opened
- heavens to Betsy
- Heavens to Betsy!
- heavens!
- in God's/Heaven's name
- in heaven
- in heaven's name
- in hog heaven
- in seventh heaven
- in the name of
- in the name of heaven
- knocking on heaven's door
- manna from heaven
- manna from heaven, like
- marriage made in heaven
- marriage made in heaven, a
- Marriages are made in heaven
- match made in heaven
- move heaven and earth
- move heaven and earth to do
- move heaven and earth, to
- my heavens
- pennies from heaven
- pig heaven
- seventh heaven
- seventh heaven, to be in
- smell to heaven
- smell to high heaven
- smell to high heaven, to
- smell/stink to high heaven
- stink to high heaven
- thank God
- Thank goodness!
- thank heavens
- the heavens open
- the heavens opened
- to God
- to God/goodness/Heaven
- to goodness
- to heaven
heaven, blissful upper realm or state entered after death; in Western monotheistic religions it is the place where the just see God face to face (sometimes called the beatific vision). In Judaism, heaven is pictured as the abode of God to which he ultimately welcomes the righteous and faithful. Many Christians believe that after the general resurrectionresurrection [Lat.,=rising again], arising again from death to life. The emergence of Jesus from the tomb to live on earth again for 40 days as told in the Gospels has been from the beginning the central fact of Christian experience and a cardinal feature of Christian doctrine ..... Click the link for more information. the body of a Christian will be glorified and reunited forever with the soul in heaven. The Roman Catholic church teaches that before entering heaven many souls must pass through purgatorypurgatory [Lat.,=place of purging], in the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the state after death in which the soul destined for heaven is purified. Since only the perfect can enjoy the vision of God (inferred from Mat. 12.36; Rev. 21. ..... Click the link for more information. to be made ready. Much of the conventional imagery of the Christian heaven—e.g., golden streets—is based on the Book of RevelationRevelation or Apocalypse , the last book of the New Testament. It was written c.A.D. 95 on Patmos Island off the coast of Asia Minor by an exile named John, in the wake of local persecution by the Emperor Domitian (A.D. 81–96). ..... Click the link for more information. . In Islam, the Qur'an describes heaven in graphically idyllic terms, replete with fleshly delights; but Islam also has a strong mystical tradition which places these heavenly delights in the context of the ecstatic awareness of God. In Zoroastrianism, the souls of the deceased must pass over the Bridge of the Requiter, which widens to allow easy passage for the good, who enter a kingdom of joy and light. In both Hinduism and Buddhism, existence is considered cyclical, making the rewards and pleasures of heaven a desirable but temporary experience; the higher objective is often conceived as a release from any form of rebirth, whether in heaven or on earth. For comparable ideas see Elysian fieldsElysian fields or Elysium , in Greek religion and mythology, happy otherworld for heroes favored by the gods. Identified with the Fortunate Isles or Isles of the Blest, Elysium was situated in the distant west, at the edge of the world. ..... Click the link for more information. ; Fortunate IslesFortunate Isles or Isles of the Blest, in classical and Celtic legend, islands in the Western Ocean. There the souls of favored mortals were received by the gods and lived happily in a paradise. ..... Click the link for more information. ; ValhallaValhalla or Walhalla , in Norse mythology, Odin's hall for slain heroes. This martial paradise was one of the most beautiful halls of Asgard. The dead warriors, brought to Valhalla by the Valkyries, fought during the day and feasted at night. ..... Click the link for more information. . Bibliography See P. Toon, Heaven and Hell (1986); C. McDannell, Heaven (1988). What does it mean when you dream about heaven?Over and above the obvious theological connotations of heaven, dreaming about heaven represent an individual’s sense of harmony and joy. Could also represent a retreat from life’s difficulties. HeavenSee also Paradise.Height (See GIANTISM, TALLNESS.)Aaruabode of blessed dead and gods. [Egyptian Myth.: Benét, 1]Abraham’s bosomreward for the righteous. [N.T.: Luke 16:23]animals in heavenJonah’s whale and Balaam’s ass are among the ten animals allowed to enter paradise. [Muslim Legend: Benét, 37]Anu(An) Babylonian god of heaven. [Babyl. Myth.: Benét, 41]Asgardabode of the gods. [Norse Myth.: Walsh Classical, 34]Avalonthe blissful otherworld of the dead. [Celtic Myth.: NCE, 194]Beulahallegorical name for Israel. [O.T.: Isaiah 62:4–5]Dilmundwelling of gods where sun rose. [Sumerian Myth.: Gaster, 24]Elysian Fieldshome of the blessed after death. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 88]Elysiumabode of the blessed after death. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmer-man, 94; Gk. Lit.: Odyssey]Fortunate Isles(Happy Isles) otherworld for heroes favored by gods. [Gk. Myth.: NCE, 861]garden of the Hesperidesin this garden grew a tree with golden apples. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 109]Happy Hunting Groundtranslation of Indian name for heaven. [North Am. Indian Myth.: Misc.]Holy Citypoetical name for heaven. [World Rel.: NCE, 1213]Land of the Lealabode of the blessed dead. [Scot. Myth.: Misc.]Mount Zioncelestial city. [Br. Lit.: Pilgrim’s Progress]New Jerusalemnew paradise; dwelling of God among men. [N.T.: Revelation 21:2]Olympusabode of the chief gods. [Gk. Myth.: Espy, 22]Paradisepoetic name for heaven. [World Rel.: NCE, 1213]seventh heavenformed of indescribable divine light; inhabitants are supremely happy, all chanting of God. [Islamic Religion: Benét, 449]Valhallacelestial banquet hall for departed war heroes. [Norse Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 1122]heaven1. Christianitya. the abode of God and the angels b. a place or state of communion with God after death 2. the sky, firmament or space surrounding the earth 3. (in any of various mythologies) a place, such as Elysium or Valhalla, to which those who have died in the gods' favour are brought to dwell in happiness Heaven (dreams)Heaven represents all of those things for which most people hope. Some of us may not be convinced of its existence, but all of us have definite ideas about what heaven should be like. In your dreams it may symbolize happiness, peace, understanding, rest, love, union between God and man, and many more positive things. Some people work for a “heaven on Earth.” Others believe that there are many different heavens and in their dreams they visit those places through soul travel. Whatever your belief system or your dream experience may be, this dream usually leaves you feeling positive and energized. See heavenHEAVEN
Acronym | Definition |
HEAVEN➣Healing Essential Arts Venue for Education in Newburyport (Massachusetts) |
Synonyms for heavennoun paradiseSynonyms- paradise
- next world
- hereafter
- nirvana
- bliss
- Zion
- Valhalla
- Happy Valley
- happy hunting ground
- life to come
- life everlasting
- abode of God
- Elysium or Elysian fields
noun happinessSynonyms- happiness
- paradise
- ecstasy
- bliss
- felicity
- utopia
- contentment
- rapture
- enchantment
- dreamland
- seventh heaven
- transport
- sheer bliss
phrase in seventh heavenSynonyms- ecstatic
- on a high
- over the moon
- on top of the world
- on cloud nine
- tickled pink
- walking on air
- beside yourself with joy
phrase move heaven and earthSynonyms- struggle
- work hard
- strive
- spare no effort
- try very hard
- go all out
- pull out all the stops
- bend over backwards
- do your best
- put yourself out
phrase the heavensSynonyms- sky
- ether
- firmament
- celestial sphere
- welkin
- empyrean
Synonyms for heavennoun the celestial regions as seen from the earthSynonymsnoun a state of elated blissSynonyms- ecstasy
- paradise
- rapture
- seventh heaven
- transport
- cloud nine
Synonyms for heavennoun any place of complete bliss and delight and peaceSynonyms- Eden
- paradise
- Shangri-la
- promised land
- nirvana
Related Wordsnoun the abode of God and the angelsRelated Words- fictitious place
- imaginary place
- mythical place
- Abraham's bosom
- bosom of Abraham
- Celestial City
- City of God
- Heavenly City
- Holy City
- Elysian Fields
- Elysium
- Garden of Eden
- Eden
- Paradise
- Promised Land
- Valhalla
- Walhalla
Antonyms- infernal region
- nether region
- perdition
- Inferno
- Hell
- pit