Hyaline membranes

Hyaline membranes

A fibrous layer that settles in the alveoli in RDS, and prevents oxygen from escaping from inhaled air to the bloodstream.Mentioned in: Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Patient discussion about Hyaline membranes

Q. HYALINE MEMBRANE DISEASE in pre-mature infants;what are the causes of it in pregnant women?A. the cause of Hyaline Membrane disease is pre-mature birth. while the fetus develop, about in the 29th week a substance called surfactant is created in the lungs. this substance's function is to change the surface tension of the fluid in the lungs- therefore decreasing it's force. the surface tension tends to shrink the lungs and can cause the lungs to collapse. so a premature baby wouldn't be able to breath properly.

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