释义 |
IFNAbbreviation for interferon; subsets indicated by suffixes using Greek letters.IFN Interferon, see there. IFN Abbreviation for interferon. IFN Abbreviation for interferon. Patient discussion about IFNQ. aftrer completing interferon treatment for HCV it's showing up negitive in blood test,does it get any better? I completed Interferon treatment for HCV four years ago. It has come negitive in my blood work scence. Does it get any better? I;m haveing a hard time building my stamina back up to pre treatment Is there any hope of getting it back, my strenth and stamina? I'm 65 yrs. and counting. I'd like to count a lot longer. Thak You in advance, gffA. Unfortunately, the risk of chronic infection after an acute episode of hepatitis C is high. In most studies, 80 to 100 percent of patients remain HCV-RNA positive, and 60 to 80 percent have persistently elevated liver enzymes. The rate of spontaneous clearance of virus after it has persisted for at least six months is very low. In one study, for example, 142 HCV antibody-negative patients during eight years of follow-up, showed seroconversion (going from negative to positive) in 30 percent. You should keep getting tested on a regular basis, and hopefully your antibodies will remain negative. Meanwhile focus on living a otherwise healthy life. If you eat properyly and exercise often you can bulid up some energy that you feel you've lost. More discussions about IFNIFN
Acronym | Definition |
IFN➣Interferon | IFN➣Islamic Finance News (publication) | IFN➣Leibniz Institut Für Neurobiologie (German: Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology; Magdeburg, Germany) | IFN➣Institut Français pour la Nutrition (French Nutrition Institute) | IFN➣Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (Italian: Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies) | IFN➣Ice-Forming Nuclei | IFN➣Individual Family Needs (India) | IFN➣Institut de la Francophonie Numérique (French: Digital Francophonie Institute) | IFN➣Independent Financial Network (now Umpqua Holdings Corporation) | IFN➣Internet-Facing Network (computer networking) | IFN➣Indie Film Nation (podcast) | IFN➣Item For Negotiation | IFN➣Islamic Foundation North | IFN➣Inforeach FIX (Financial Information Exchange) Network (Chicago, IL) | IFN➣International Federation of Numismatists (est. 1977) |