Great Pyramid of Cheops

The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2589 to 2550 B.C.E. as the burial place for one of Egypt’s great kings. Some archeologists estimate it would have taken 100,000 slaves to construct it, but there are those who believe the ancient Egyptians had extraterrestrial help.

Great Pyramid of Cheops

The nine or more secret rooms in the Great Pyramid on the plateau of Giza contain proof that the ancient monuments of Egypt are thousands of years older than previously believed and quite likely constructed with the help of extraterrestrials.

Rising up on a plateau called Giza, ten miles west of present-day Cairo, Egypt, the Great Pyramid, its two companions pyramids, and the Sphinx are probably the world’s oldest and best-known mysteries. The Pyramid of Cheops stands 481 feet high, measures roughly 756 feet on each side, and covers 13 acres of land. For more than four thousand years, it was the tallest architectural structure on earth. It has been estimated that more than 2,300,000 stone blocks of an average weight of two and one-half tons went into the construction of this last resting place for the pharaoh Cheops (also known as Khufu) circa 2550 B.C.E. The Pyramid of Khafre, near Cheops, stands 442 feet high and covers 12 acres. The third pyramid in the massive triumvirate, Mycerinus, is 215 feet tall and 346 feet wide on each side. The pyramids are situated at cardinal points on the compass and indicate knowledge of astronomy and mathematics in advance of other civilizations.

Among the questions swirling about the pyramids are the following:

  1. Where was the immense amount of rock forming them (11 million cubic yards of stone for the Great Pyramid alone) quarried, and how was it moved and then erected into such an astonishingly precise structure?
  2. What kind of surveying methods and equipment did the ancient Egyptians use to ensure that the landscape was level and their measurements were accurate?
  3. How could the vast number of workers required for such an undertaking be mobilized, housed, and fed?
  4. All three of the pyramids at Giza were supposedly erected as tombs. Why has not a single body been found in any of them?

A baffling series of chambers, tunnels, shafts, blocked passageways, corridors leading to empty spaces, and false leads confront pyramid explorers. Numerous Egyptologists and researchers of the mysteries of antiquity have announced the discovery of nine or more secret rooms in the Great Pyramid, but the contents of those fabled hiding places remain unknown to all but a few privileged insiders who wish to keep their treasures from the world. Some researchers contend that the secret rooms hide solid proof of the ancient lost civilization of Atlantis.

Others insist that the dusty corridors house undeniable evidence of extraterrestrial colonies that thrived on Earth in our prehistory. Proponents of the ancient astronaut theory maintain that such massive works as the Pyramids were built by intervening extraterrestrials, who used the power plants of their flying saucers to hoist such tonnage into place. Spaceships of vast proportions may have brought extraterrestrial colonists to various parts of Earth before returning to the home planet.

Edgar Cayce, the famous “Sleeping Prophet” of Virginia Beach, Virginia, predicted the existence of secret rooms in the Great Pyramid and beneath the right paw of the Sphinx. According to Cayce, who made his prophecies in the 1930s and ‘40s, the fabled Atlantean Hall of Records would be discovered in Giza before 1998. It is known that the presence of such secret chambers was confirmed in 1994 by classified high-tech radar photographs taken by the NASA shuttle.

In 1996 much fuss was made over a video that had reportedly been made of one of the secret rooms. Although a network television presentation ballyhooed a peek inside the legendary chambers, millions of disappointed viewers were able to see only a shaky film produced by a videocam attached to a small, four-wheeled robot as it crept down a corridor in the Great Pyramid. Allegedly the tunnel had never before been opened for the eyes of modern humans, and an audience of millions were teased into believing that they were about to behold a revelation of earthshaking importance. But the tunnel and the supposed secret chamber showed us nothing.

In 1997 the archeologists Mark Lehner and Zahi Hawass excavated a grid of rooms near the Great Pyramid, and Lehner believes that an entire additional complex might be unearthed, providing more answers, and probably more questions, about the pyramids of Giza. Lehner, associated with the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago and the Harvard Semitic Museum, first traveled to Egypt during the 1970s, inspired by the theories of Edgar Cayce, who believed that the pyramids were actually thousands of years older than they were credited.

A great number of researchers believe that at least one of the hidden chambers in the Great Pyramid will contain a full-sized aerial vehicle of ancient terrestrial or extraterrestrial design.

Khalil Messiha, physician and aeromodeller, believes that he has found evidence to indicate that the Egyptians had flying machines as early as the third or fourth century B.C.E. Messiha’s brother, a flight engineer, agrees with him and adds that the aerofoil shape of the models discovered among some ancient bird figures demonstrates a “drag effect” evolved only recently after many years of aeronautical engineering research.

Khalil Messiha first found the model glider or airplane in 1969 when he was looking through a box of bird models in one of the Cairo Museum’s storerooms. The relics had first been unearthed at Saqqara in 1898. The glider, made of sycamore wood, bears a striking resemblance to the American Hercules transport plane, which has a distinctive wing shape. Messiha is certain that it is no toy model. It is too scientifically designed, and it required a lot of skill to make.

Most of the bird figures that have been found at excavations in Egypt are half-human, half-bird in design, but this object is very different. It seems to be a model of a high-winged monoplane with a heart-shaped fuselage, which assumes a compressed ellipse toward the tail.

Dr. Messiha was quoted in the May 18, 1972, Times of London as saying, “It is the tail that is really the most interesting thing which distinguished this model from all others that have been discovered.” The tail, it seems, has a vertical fin. No known bird flies equipped with a rudder. In addition, as Messiha learned from his several years’ study of ancient Egyptian bird figures, all other models were lavishly decorated and fitted for legs. The glider has no legs and only very slight traces of an eye painted on one side of the “nose,” together with two faint reddish lines under the wing. Messiha and several researchers are convinced that it is a scale model of a full-sized flying machine of some kind that was actually flown by the ancient Egyptians.

The discovery of such an aerial vehicle in the Great Pyramid would completely revolutionize the way that academics and scientists view the ancient Egyptians and other forgotten cultures of human prehistory. Lost civilizations, such as Atlantis, would have to be taken very seriously. Some researchers believe that many scholars and others in authority simply do not want such information made available to the masses. The religious and scientific establishments fear that the great majority of men and women would not be able to deal with irrefutable evidence that there was a world civilization before our own.

Great Pyramid of Cheops

enormous Egyptian royal tomb. [World Hist.: Wallechinsky, 255]See: Burial Ground