Great River Road - Arkansas
Great River Road - Arkansas
PO Box 2050
State University, AR 72467
Web: Description:The 2,069-mile Great River Road borders the Mississippi River through the states of Mississippi, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The 362-mile Arkansas segment features museums and monuments highlighting Civil War history and archeology of the ancient Mississippi mound-building cultures. It also offers opportunities for outdoor recreation including fishing and wildlife viewing.
Legth: 362 miles (Arkansas section); 2,069 miles (entire byway). Start/Endpoint: The north-south route runs from the historicconcrete arch that spans US 61 at the Missouri state line to US 65 at the Louisiana state line. Near the southern terminus of the Arkansas section of the byway, a spur route runs east on US 82 to the Mississippi River Bridge and theMississippi state line. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2002).
See other parks in Arkansas.