Great River Road - Iowa

Great River Road - Iowa

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Iowa Department of Tourism
200 East Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50309

Web: Description:The 2,069-mile GreatRiver Road borders the Mississippi River through the states ofMississippi, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The326-mile stretch in Iowa preserves historic resources associated with the Mississippi Riverand the story of transportation. Visitors can explore the towns and cities along theroute, experience the Mississippi River on steamboats,commercial barges, and recreational crafts, visit sacred sites andlandscape effigies of Native Americans (including Effigy MoundsNational Monument), and view bald eagles and the migration of 100,000geese and ducks along the Mississippi Flyway.
Legth: 326 miles (Iowa section); 2,069 miles (entire byway). Start/Endpoint: Follows the Mississippi River along Iowa's eastern border from the Minnesota state linenear New Albin south to the Missouri state line nearKeokuk. Time to Allow: 6 hours (Iowa section); 6 days (entire byway). Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2000).

See other parks in Iowa.