Great River Road State Park

Great River Road State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Mississippi
Location:Off MS 1 in Rosedale, 35 miles north of Greenville.
Facilities:61 developed campsites (RV or tent camping) with electric and waterhookups, bathhouse with hot showers, picnic area and shelter, naturetrails, boat launch, playing field, playground, 18-hole disc golfcourse, visitor center with concession stand, banquet room, andsouvenir shop.
Activities:Camping, fishing.
Special Features:Park's 75-foot overlook tower provides panoramic views of the Mississippi River and the delta.Several of the park's trails lead to the sandbar, which at low waterforms one of the largest beaches in the state. The sandbars are visitedby a variety of birds and animals. The park is named for Great RiverRoad, a scenic parkway the follows the Mississippi from its beginningas a small Canadian creek to its end at the Gulf of Mexico.
Address:PO Box 292
Rosedale, MS 38769

Size: 756 acres.

See other parks in Mississippi.