

, ammoniemia (am'ō-nē'mē-ă, am'ō-ne-ē'mē-ă), The presence of ammonia or some of its compounds in the blood, thought to be formed from the decomposition of urea; it usually results in subnormal temperature, weak pulse, gastroenteric symptoms, and coma. Synonym(s): hyperammonemia [ammonia + G. haima, blood]


, ammoniemia (hī'pĕr- ă-mō-nē'mē-ă) The presence of ammonia or some of its compounds in the blood, thought to be formed from the decomposition of urea; it usually results in subnormal temperature, weak pulse, gastroenteric symptoms, and coma. [ammonia + G. haima, blood]


, ammonemia (ă-mō″nē-ē′mē-ă) (ă-mō-nē′mē-ă) [ ammonia + -emia] Excessive ammonia in the blood. Normally, only faint traces of ammonia are found in the blood. Increased amounts are due to a pathological condition such as impaired liver function.