Heywood, Thomas

Heywood, Thomas,

1574?–1641, English dramatist. A prolific writer, he claimed to have written and collaborated on more than 200 plays, most of which are now lost. Although he wrote dramas based on English history, classical mythology, and romantic adventure, he is most famous for those dealing with contemporary English life. Heywood's best play, A Woman Killed with Kindness (1603), is one of the finest examples of domestic tragedy in the English drama. His other notable plays include The Fair Maid of the West (1631) and The London Traveler (1633). A professional actor as well as a playwright, he wrote an Apology for Actors (1612) in reply to attacks against the theater by the Puritans.


See studies by O. Cromwell (1928, repr. 1969), A. M. Clark (1931, repr. 1967), and F. S. Boas (1950).

Heywood, Thomas


Born circa 1574; died Aug. 16, 1641, in London. English dramatist.

Heywood studied at Cambridge University from 1591 to 1593. In 1598 and 1599 several of his comedies were staged in London, including Joan as Good as My Lady, War Without Blows and Love Without Suit, and The Four Prentices of London. His main genres were the farce, for example, The Wise Woman of Hogsdon (published 1638; Russian translation, 1960) and the romantic comedy, for example, The Fair Maid of the West (published 1631; Russian translation, 1956). Heywood also wrote domestic tragedies, the best known of which are A Woman Killed With Kindness (published 1607; Russian translation, 1959) and The English Traveler (published 1633).

Heywood was also the author of historical chronicles and plays on classical themes. In 1594 he wrote the narrative poem Juno and Paris.


Anikst, A. Istoriia angliiskoi literatury. Moscow, 1956.
Grivelet, M. Thomas Heywood et le drame domestique élisabethain. Paris, 1957.