Hebra disease

chronic prurigo

A papular prurigo or follicular eczema of adults that arises in a background of atopic dermatitis, which is associated with intense pruritus and lichenification.

Hebra disease

(heb'ra) [Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra, Austrian dermatologist, 1816–1880] 1. Erythema mulitforme.2. Impetigo herpetiformis.


Ferdinand von, Austrian dermatologist, 1816-1880. Hebra disease - an acute eruption of macules, papules, or subdermal vesicles presenting a multiform appearance. Synonym(s): erythema multiforme; familial nonhemolytic jaundiceHebra prurigo - a severe form of chronic dermatitis with secondary infection. Synonym(s): prurigo agria; prurigo ferox