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DictionarySeecanalHuguier canal
an·te·ri·or can·a·lic·u·lus of chor·da tym·pa·nia canal in the petrotympanic fissure, near its posterior edge, through which the chorda tympani nerve issues from the skull. Synonym(s): Civinini canal, Huguier canal, iter chordae anteriusHuguier canal (ū-gē-āz′) [Pierre C. Huguier, Fr. surgeon, 1804–1873] The canal through which the chorda tympani nerve exits from the cranium.Huguier, Pierre C., French surgeon, 1804-1873. Huguier canal - a canal in the petrotympanic or glaserian fissure, near its posterior edge, through which the chorda tympani nerve issues from the skull. Synonym(s): anterior canaliculus of chorda tympaniHuguier circle - anastomosis around the isthmus of the uterus between the right and left uterine arteries.Huguier sinus - a depression on the medial wall of the middle ear which has the oval window in its lower portion. Synonym(s): fossula fenestrae vestibuliLegalSeeCanal |