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histoid (ˈhɪstɔɪd) adj1. (Pathology) resembling normal tissue2. (Biology) composed of one kind of tissuehistoid
histoid [his´toid] 1. developed from one kind of tissue.2. resembling one of the tissues of the body.his·toid (his'toyd), 1. Resembling in structure one of the tissues of the body. 2. Sometimes used with reference to the histologic structure of a neoplasm derived from and consisting of a single, relatively simple type of neoplastic tissue that closely resembles the normal, as in certain fibromas and leiomyomas. Synonym(s): histioid [histo- + G. eidos, resemblance] his·toid (his'toyd) 1. Resembling in structure one of the tissues of the body. 2. The histologic structure of a neoplasm derived from and consisting of a single, relatively simple type of neoplastic tissue that closely resembles the normal. [histo- + G. eidos, resemblance] |