ICASSInternational Cooperative Administrative Support Services (US Department of State billing mechanism for embassy-provided services)
ICASSInstitut Català d'Assistència i Serveis Socials (Barcelona, Spain)
ICASSInternational Congress of Arctic Social Sciences
ICASSInternational Conference on Advances in Steel Structures
ICASSInternational Conference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy
ICASSInnovators Counselling and Advisory Service for Scotland (UK)
ICASSInternational Confidential Aviation Safety Systems (group)
ICASSIntegrated Computer Assisted Surveillance System
ICASSIntegrated Control for Autonomous Space Systems
ICASSInternal Continuous Assessment (South Africa)
ICASSIndian Collaborative Acute Stroke Study
ICASSInternal Cooperative Agreement Support and Services
ICASSIntermodal Community Air Service System
ICASSIntegrated Care Social Support (program)
ICASSIntegrated Communications & Administrative Support System