Acronym | Definition |
IFRC➣International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies |
IFRC➣Inamori Frontier Research Center (Kyushu University; Japan) |
IFRC➣International Ford Retractable Club |
IFRC➣Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros |
IFRC➣Interference-Aware Fair Rate Control |
IFRC➣International Franchise Research Centre |
IFRC➣Institut Fédératif de Recherche du CNRS |
IFRC➣Index to Federal Royal Commissions |
IFRC➣Irkutsk-Fort Ross Club |
IFRC➣Idaho Falls Recovery Center |
IFRC➣International Flight Research Corporation |
IFRC➣International Freshwater Resource Center |
IFRC➣Instantaneous Frequency Correlation |
IFRC➣Informatics Research Center |