hybrid shift

hybrid shift

A work schedule in which shifts differ in length, typically as a combination of 8-hour and 12-hour shifts.
Basic types of hybrid shifts
• Variation by day in week—The shift length changes by day in the week. In a 24/7 operation, for example, a switch from three 8-hour shifts/day on a weekday to two 12-hour shifts/day at weekends. The net result increases the numbers of weekend days off over the shift cycle.
• Variation by time of year—Shift length changes at specific times in the year, and typically is confined to annual hours rotas, which have at least one sub-rota generating extended rest periods. In a 24/7 operation, for example, a switch from three 8-hour shifts a day during the basic rota to a sub-rota based on two 12-hour shifts a day during the summer. The net result is an extended rest period of at least 2 weeks per team/employee, offsetting the reduction in the rest period between blocks of shifts that would have occurred if 8-hour shifts had been worked throughout the summer.