

(hədăs`ə), in the Bible, Hebrew name of EstherEsther
, book of the Bible. It is the tale of the beautiful Jewish woman Esther [Heb.,= Hadassah], who is chosen as queen by the Persian King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I or II) after he has repudiated his previous wife, Vashti.
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women's Zionist organization of the United States founded (1912) by Henrietta SzoldSzold, Henrietta
, 1860–1945, American Zionist leader, editor, and translator, b. Baltimore. After graduating from high school in 1877 she taught (1878–92) in private schools, organizing some of the first night school classes for immigrants.
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. It has done important work in Israel in medical service, child welfare, and aid to refugees. Hadassah provides major support for the medical school of Hebrew Univ. and most of the budget for Youth Aliyah, the organization that transports children and youths to Israel and supports them there. Hadassah's principal activities in the United States are educational and charitable work.


See study by M. Levin (1973).