had better (do something)

had better (do something)

Should. You had better listen to what I'm saying before you get yourself into more trouble.See also: better

had better

Also, had best. Ought to, should. For example, You had better finish this one before starting another, or We had best be going. [Mid-1400s] Also see you'd better believe it. See also: better

had better/best do something

used to tell somebody what you think they should do: You’d better lock the door before you leave: there are lots of thieves about.Hadn’t you better check to see if the baby is all right?‘Shall I phone her now?’ ‘You’d best not. She might be asleep.’See also: better, something

had better

/best Usage Problem To be wise or obliged to; should or must: He had better do what he is told. You had best bring a raincoat in this weather.See also: better