Acronym | Definition |
IFT➣Institute of Food Technologists |
IFT➣Issued for Tender |
IFT➣In-for-Training (dogs) |
IFT➣Inverse Function Theorem (mathematics) |
IFT➣Illinois Federation of Teachers |
IFT➣Institut für Fenstertechnik (German: Institute for Window Technology) |
IFT➣Institut fuer Therapieforschung (German: Institute for Therapy Research) |
IFT➣Image Foresting Transform |
IFT➣Inverse Fourier Transform |
IFT➣Integrated File Transfer |
IFT➣Interbank File Transfer |
IFT➣Instituto de Física Teórica |
IFT➣In Flight Test |
IFT➣Inter-Facility Transfer (various locations) |
IFT➣Inter-Bank Fund Transfer |
IFT➣Interfacial Tension |
IFT➣Integrated Flight Test |
IFT➣Intra-Family Transfer (guns) |
IFT➣Interferential Therapy (physiotherapy) |
IFT➣Institute for Tropospheric Research |
IFT➣International Fair of Tourism |
IFT➣If True (Hyper Logo command) |
IFT➣Immunofluorescence Test (biology) |
IFT➣International Federation of Trekkers (Star Trek fan club) |
IFT➣Interstate Fuel Tax (commercial vehicles) |
IFT➣International Foundation for Telemetering (sponsor of the annual International Telemetering Conference, ITC) |
IFT➣International Frisbee Tournament |
IFT➣Intelligent Future Technologies (Sweden) |
IFT➣In Flight Technician |
IFT➣Initial Flight Training |
IFT➣Instrument Flight Trainer |
IFT➣Isoxaflutole (herbicide) |
IFT➣Institut Français de Taipei (French: French Institute of Taipei; Taipei, Taiwan) |
IFT➣Internet File Transfer (NASD) |
IFT➣International Furan Technology (South Africa) |
IFT➣Instantaneous Fourier Transform |
IFT➣Integrated Function Test |
IFT➣Integral Flyback Transformer |
IFT➣Integrated Flight Technologies |
IFT➣Inter-Failure Time |
IFT➣Initial Film Thickness |
IFT➣Instituto de Formación Técnica (Guatemala, private school) |