IFTInstitute of Food Technologists
IFTIssued for Tender
IFTIn-for-Training (dogs)
IFTInverse Function Theorem (mathematics)
IFTIllinois Federation of Teachers
IFTInstitut für Fenstertechnik (German: Institute for Window Technology)
IFTInstitut fuer Therapieforschung (German: Institute for Therapy Research)
IFTImage Foresting Transform
IFTInverse Fourier Transform
IFTIntegrated File Transfer
IFTInterbank File Transfer
IFTInstituto de Física Teórica
IFTIn Flight Test
IFTInter-Facility Transfer (various locations)
IFTInter-Bank Fund Transfer
IFTInterfacial Tension
IFTIntegrated Flight Test
IFTIntra-Family Transfer (guns)
IFTInterferential Therapy (physiotherapy)
IFTInstitute for Tropospheric Research
IFTInternational Fair of Tourism
IFTIf True (Hyper Logo command)
IFTImmunofluorescence Test (biology)
IFTInternational Federation of Trekkers (Star Trek fan club)
IFTInterstate Fuel Tax (commercial vehicles)
IFTInternational Foundation for Telemetering (sponsor of the annual International Telemetering Conference, ITC)
IFTInternational Frisbee Tournament
IFTIntelligent Future Technologies (Sweden)
IFTIn Flight Technician
IFTInitial Flight Training
IFTInstrument Flight Trainer
IFTIsoxaflutole (herbicide)
IFTInstitut Français de Taipei (French: French Institute of Taipei; Taipei, Taiwan)
IFTInternet File Transfer (NASD)
IFTInternational Furan Technology (South Africa)
IFTInstantaneous Fourier Transform
IFTIntegrated Function Test
IFTIntegral Flyback Transformer
IFTIntegrated Flight Technologies
IFTInter-Failure Time
IFTInitial Film Thickness
IFTInstituto de Formación Técnica (Guatemala, private school)