Acronym | Definition |
IMLA➣International Municipal Lawyers Association |
IMLA➣Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association |
IMLA➣International Master of Landscape Architecture |
IMLA➣International Maritime Lecturers Association |
IMLA➣Indian Mineral Leasing Act of 1938 |
IMLA➣International Media Lawyers Association |
IMLA➣Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Applications (workshop) |
IMLA➣Index Medicus Latino-Americano |
IMLA➣Insert Molded Leadframe Assembly |
IMLA➣International Mortgage Lenders Association |
IMLA➣Idaho Middle Level Association |
IMLA➣Indiana Municipal Lawyers Association |
IMLA➣Irish Maritime Law Association |
IMLA➣Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna |
IMLA➣Initial Mandated Lead Arranger |
IMLA➣Indigenous Ministry Links Australia |
IMLA➣Iranian Medical Laser Association |
IMLA➣Informa Management and Leadership Academy (Falconbury Ltd; UK) |
IMLA➣International Maritime Law Association |
IMLA➣International Midge Luring Association |
IMLA➣Istituto di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni |