

I0019700 (ī-dĕn′tĭ-kəl)adj.1. Being the same: another orator who used the senator's identical words.2. Exactly equal and alike: Your car is identical to mine. Are the fingerprints at the crime scene identical with those of the accused?3. Biology Of or relating to a twin or twins developed from the same fertilized ovum and having the same genetic makeup and closely similar appearance; monozygotic.
[From Medieval Latin identicus, from Late Latin identitās, identity; see identity.]
i·den′ti·cal·ly adv.
Adv.1.identically - with complete identity; in an identical manner; "he is fitted with an identically similar one"


(aiˈdentikəl) adjective1. the same in every detail. They wore identical dresses. 同樣的 完全相同的2. the very same. That is the identical car that I saw outside the bank just before the robbery. 同一的 同一的iˈdentically adverb 同樣地 同样iˈdenticalness noun 同樣 同一