1,4-alpha-d-glucan 6-alpha-d-glucosyltransferase

1,4-α-d-glu·can 6-α-d-glu·co·syl·trans·fer·ase

(glū'kan glū-kō'sĭl-trans'fĕr-ās), A glucosyltransferase that transfers an α-glucosyl residue in a 1,4-α-glucan to the primary hydroxyl group of glucose in a 1,4-α-glucan.
See also: 1, 4-α-d-glucan-branching enzyme.
Synonym(s): oligoglucan-branching glycosyltransferase

1,4-α-d-glu·can 6-α-d-glu·co·syl·trans·fer·ase

, α-glucan-branching glycosyltransferase (glū'kan glū-kō'sil-tranz'fĕr-ās, -branch'ing glī-kō'sil-trans'fĕr-ās) A glucosyltransferase that transfers an α-glucosyl residue in a 1,4-α-glucan to the primary hydroxyl group of glucose in a 1,4-α-glucan.