Green Pea Combine-Harvester
Green Pea Combine-Harvester
a towed machine that picks up windrows of mowed green peas and threshes them, removes impurities from them, and loads them into containers. A finger-type picker with a conveyor, a feed conveyor, and a separating mechanism with outside and inside separating drums are mounted on the frame of the combine. Side conveyors, a central conveyor, a screen, and a transverse conveyor that drops the peas into containers are used to clean and move the threshed grain. The separating mechanism feeds into a threshed heap conveyor, beneath which is an agitator that separates peas still remaining among the leaves and stems. The picker is driven by a power takeoff shaft, and the separating mechanism and all the conveyors are operated by a special engine. The KBK-1 combine produced in the USSR has a productivity of 0.2–0.4 hectares an hour and an operating width of 1 m.