释义 |
hypotympanotomy hypotympanotomy [hi″po-tim″pah-not´ah-me] surgical opening of the hypotympanum.hy·po·tym·pa·not·o·my (hī'pō-tim'pă-not'ŏ-mē), Operative procedure for the excision, without sacrifice of hearing, of small tumors confined to the lower portion of the tympanic cavity. [hypo- + G. tympanon, tympanum, + tomē, incision] hy·po·tym·pa·not·o·my (hī'pō-tim-pă-not'ŏ-mē) Surgical extirpation, without sacrifice of hearing, of small tumors confined to the lower tympanic cavity. [hypo- + G. tympanon, tympanum, + tomē, incision] |