Green Valley State Park

Green Valley State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Iowa
Location:2.5 miles northwest of Creston, off IA 186.
Facilities:145 campsites (85 with electrical hookups) with showers and modernrestrooms (é), rustic camper cabins, open picnic shelters (é),self-guided nature trail, hiking trails, swimming beach, fishingjetties, 2 fishing piers (é), 2 fish cleaning stations, 4 boat ramps.
Activities:Camping, swimming, lake fishing, boating, water-skiing, hiking. Inboardmotors (including jet skis and jet boats) are not allowed on the lake.
Special Features:Recreational activities center around Green Valley's 390-acre lake.
Address:1480 130th St
Creston, IA 50801

Size: 990 acres.

See other parks in Iowa.