Greenwood Furnace State Park

Greenwood Furnace State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Pennsylvania
Location:On the western edge of an area of Central Pennsylvania known as the Seven Mountains, off PA 305.
Facilities:51 class A campsites (46 with electricity), showers, flush toilets, picnic area, picnic pavilions, snack bar, backpacking trailhead, hiking trails (approximately 20 miles), swimming beach, visitor center, gift shop, orienteering course, playfield, game courts, historic buildings.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, hiking, hunting, cross-country skiing, ice fishing, ice skating, snowmobiling, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Greenwood Furnace was once a thriving ironmaking village. Today, only a handful of its 127 buildings remain. They include the blacksmith shop, which features displays on the history of the park and blacksmithing demonstrations in summer.
Address:15795 Greenwood Rd
Huntingdon, PA 16652

Size: 423 acres.

See other parks in Pennsylvania.