Gregory II, Saint

Gregory II, Saint,

d. 731, pope (715–31), a Roman; successor of Constantine. When Byzantine Emperor Leo IIILeo III
(Leo the Isaurian or Leo the Syrian), c.680–741, Byzantine emperor (717–41). He was probably born in N Syria (rather than in Isauria, as once thought). He held diplomatic and military posts before he deposed and succeeded Theodosius III.
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 tried to impose iconoclasm in Italy by an imperial edict, Gregory answered that the emperor could not decide tenets of faith. He was supported by a popular uprising directed at the exarch of Ravenna, the emperor's viceroy in Italy. The Lombards, long the enemies of Rome, took up the Roman cause, with the result that its Byzantine suzerainty over Rome was virtually ended. It was Gregory who sent St. BonifaceBoniface, Saint
, c.675–754?, English missionary monk and martyr, called the Apostle of Germany, b. Devonshire, England. His English name was Winfrid. He was educated in the monastery of Nursling, near Winchester.
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 to evangelize Germany. He was succeeded by Gregory III. Feast: Feb. 11.