Hafiz-i Abru

Hafiz-i Abru


Year of birth unknown; died 1430, 1431, or according to some sources 1451. Court historian to Tamerlane and to his son Shah Rukh.

Hafiz-i Abru’s principal works include an unpublished geography of Iran and neighboring countries; Majmah al-tawarikh (Collection of Chronicles), or Zubdat al-tawarikh (Compilations of Chronicles), two of whose four volumes have been published; and Majmah (Collection), a compilation of historical works by al-Tabari, Rashid ad-Din, and Nezameddin Shami. He carried on the work of Rashid ad-Din and Nezameddin Shami in Continuation, which deals with the history of the period from 1304 to 1370. The works of Hafiz-i Abru provide considerable social and economic material and contain excerpts of earlier works that are now lost.


Bartol’d, V. V. “Khafiz-i Abru i ego sochineniia.” Soch., vol. 8. Moscow, 1973.