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hydrargyria (ˌhaɪdrɑːˈdʒəɪrɪə) or hydrargyrismn (Medicine) med mercury poisoning[C17: see hydrargyrum]EncyclopediaSeemercury poisoninghydrargyria
mer·cu·ry poi·son·inga disease usually caused by the ingestion or inhalation of mercury or mercury compounds, which are toxic in relation to their ability to produce mercuric ions; usually acute mercury poisoning is associated with ulcerations of the mouth (including loosening of teeth), stomach, and intestine in addition to toxic changes in the renal tubules; anuria and anemia may occur; respiratory distress and pneumonia can follow inhalation; usually chronic mercury poisoning is a result of industrial pollution; causes gastrointestinal or central nervous system manifestations including stomatitis, diarrhea, headaches, ataxia, tremor, hyperreflexia, sensorineural impairment, and emotional instability and sometimes delirium. See also: Mad Hatter syndrome. Synonym(s): hydrargyria, hydrargyrism, mercurialismmer·cu·ry poi·son·ing (mĕr'kyūr-ē poy'zŏn-ing) A disease usually caused by the ingestion of mercury or mercury compounds, which are toxic in relation to their ability to produce mercuric ions; acute mercury poisoning is usually associated with ulcerations of the stomach and intestine and toxic changes in the renal tubules; anuria and anemia may occur; chronic mercury poisoning is usually a result of industrial poisoning and causes gastrointestinal or central nervous system manifestations including stomatitis, diarrhea, ataxia, tremor, hyperreflexia, sensorineural impairment, and emotional instability (Mad Hatter syndrome). Synonym(s): hydrargyria, hydrargyrism, mercurialism. |