Hydraulic Engineering Institute

Hydraulic Engineering Institute


(full name, B. E. Vedeneev All-Union Scientific Research Hydraulic Engineering Institute; VNIIG), organized in Leningrad in 1921 for solving problems in the field of land reclamation (GNMI); since 1931 it has also been active in the field of hydraulic energy and hydraulic engineering construction. In 1946 the institute adopted the name of the academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR B. E. Vedeneev.

The institute has a branch in Krasnoiarsk and divisions in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Ivangorod, and Narva. In 1970 the institute included 32 scientific laboratories, combined into departments: concrete and reinforced-concrete hydraulic engineering construction, hydraulics, fundamentals and land hydraulic engineering construction, dynamics and seismics of construction, and industrial coolers of steam power plants. The institute develops efficient construction materials and works out new and perfects existing methods of hydraulic engineering construction work procedures, and research and calculation. The institute coordinates USSR research in the field of hydraulic engineering construction; it has a graduate program and publishes Izvestiia (since 1931).


Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel’skii institut gidrotekhniki imeni B. E. Vedeneeva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1965.